As a C.S.A., you have access to our farm inventory first before we sell to the public. This is a bonus to signing up as a C.S.A. workshare. For 12 months, starting in October, you are welcomed to start your garden experience with us.
Community Support Agriculture (C.S.A), in a seed pod, is an understanding between you and your farmer to receive a set number of weekly food baskets. Your payment upfront allows for a cash flow to purchase supplies for the upcoming growing season and helps with planning requirements.
At our farm, we have a workshare model. You pay and work for a weekly harvest share. $365 annual. From May to September you work 3 hours and then harvest the vegetables and herbs you enjoy. Garden planning starts as soon as October with garlic planting. We increase or decrease the garden based on needs. You can also modify your work schedule to fewer hours more often over the course of the week. We have had different variations to the CSA workshare model. We have had CSAs come after work, garden for 40 minutes and harvest what they need to coming on the weekend, loose track of time in the garden, and forget to harvest.
Your time and resources are valuable. Whether you are looking for exercise, a place to escape, experience, or just fresh ingredients, at our farm, you will be able to add to your healthy lifestyle.
The relationships that have grown from this model continue to inspire and help us to grow.
Are you joining? Sign up ends November. The money we receive goes towards materials, tools, seeds, and seedlings. Please send us a text at 647 283 9524 to arrange a visit before signing on. We plan to grow and raised based on demand.